Why are billionaires so convinced the US economy will break?

Why are billionaires so convinced the US economy will break?

With mixed signals from the US economy, the Federal Reserve is in wait-and-see mode. But America’s billionaires are decidedly more panicked. Do they know something the rest of us don’t? How to prepare for the coming recession | Smart Investing The latest billionaire to sound a warning is Duquesne Family Office founder Stanley Druckenmiller, who … Read more

How World-Class Teams Use Breaks To Bring Candor Into Meetings

How World-Class Teams Use Breaks To Bring Candor Into Meetings

World-class teams embrace candor, do not tolerate backchannel conversations, and never throw their peers under the bus. They have shifted to an agreement to care enough about each other’s success that nothing will be withheld from the team that might stand in the way finding the best solutions. When it comes to problems, world-class teams … Read more