How Couples Use Ego Effectiveness On A Daily Basis To Have Great Relationships | Nancy Carbone

How Couples Use Ego Effectiveness On A Daily Basis To Have Great Relationships | Nancy Carbone

Let’s admit it: We tend to blame our partners when our relationships go wrong. It’s sometimes hard to look at ourselves and say that we were culpable. But what if I told you that there is a psychological concept that helps determine if you are “good” at being in a healthy relationship — and that … Read more

Why Women Who Make The Best Wives Always Seem To Attract The Very Worst Men | Sharon Cohen, PhD

Why Women Who Make The Best Wives Always Seem To Attract The Very Worst Men | Sharon Cohen, PhD

You’re a catch. You know it. You hear it from friends, family, and strangers. Yet time after time you end up in toxic relationships with guys who just don’t measure up. What’s up with that? Stop beating yourself up and know your brilliance. The very reasons you’re so successful in all other areas of life … Read more