Prince Mateen of Brunei’s OTT 10-day wedding celebrations, revealed: the Asian royal hired Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian’s photographer, and wife Anisha Rosnah wore more dresses than we can count

Prince Mateen of Brunei’s OTT 10-day wedding celebrations, revealed: the Asian royal hired Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian’s photographer, and wife Anisha Rosnah wore more dresses than we can count

Last Wednesday, Prince Mateen, 32, and his then-fiancée, 29, celebrated an elaborate, traditional powdering ceremony known as Istiadat Berbedak, per British media. This is a custom in Malaysia and Brunei where the groom and bride-to-be are blessed by family members, who apply paste on the couples’ hands. Mateen shared several pics of this intimate event … Read more