Barclays and Deutsche Bank Aren’t Delivering the Goods

Barclays and Deutsche Bank Aren’t Delivering the Goods

NatWest Group Plc got all the bad publicity last week after a political storm over its dealings with a provocative client led its chief executive officer to resign. But UK rival Barclays Plc was a bigger loser in the stock market and is still among the lowest valued major banks in Europe. Barclays’s second-quarter results … Read more

World Economy Latest: US Jobs to Support Soft-Landing Narrative

World Economy Latest: US Jobs to Support Soft-Landing Narrative

Hiring in the US probably increased at a healthy yet more moderate clip this month, representing a vote of confidence about the demand outlook after a solid first half of the year. The closely watched jobs report on Friday is projected to show employers boosted payrolls by 200,000 in July, while unemployment held at a … Read more

Banking on Bernanke: The Readout With Ruth David

Banking on Bernanke: The Readout With Ruth David

Under fire from politicians and economists for failing to predict the pace of inflation, the Bank of England is calling in a big name to pronounce a verdict. The central bank today said former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke would lead a review into its economic forecasting. Bernanke’s surprise appointment comes as the UK … Read more

Europe’s summer travel strikes: When, where and what disruption you can expect in August

Europe’s summer travel strikes: When, where and what disruption you can expect in August

Workers across Europe are walking out to protest low pay and poor working conditions. Europe is a hive of strike action right now, with many employees unhappy that sky-high inflation has not been matched by higher wages. Walkouts are planned all over Europe, showing that it always pays to check before you travel. Luckily, we … Read more

Erdogan says talks with Putin could lead to restoration of Black Sea grain deal, media report

Erdogan says talks with Putin could lead to restoration of Black Sea grain deal, media report

ANKARA, July 21 (Reuters) – Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said his scheduled talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin could lead to the restoration of the Black Sea Grain Initiative and called on Western countries to heed Russia’s demands, Turkish broadcasters reported on Friday. “The termination of the Black Sea grain deal will have a range … Read more

Russia imposes domestic travel restrictions on British diplomats

Russia imposes domestic travel restrictions on British diplomats

Moscow announced on Thursday that British diplomats working in Russia must inform the authorities in advance of their movements throughout the country. The Russian Foreign Ministry said it had summoned the British Chargé d’Affaires Tom Dodd to inform him of a “procedure for notifying the movement of employees of British diplomatic missions on the territory … Read more

Russian Navy practices firing rockets at ships in Black Sea after warning Ukraine

Russian Navy practices firing rockets at ships in Black Sea after warning Ukraine

[1/3]A still from video, released by Russia’s Defense Ministry, shows what it said was the missile ship Ivanovets during exercises in the Black Sea, in this still from video released July 21, 2023. Russian Defense Ministry/Handout via REUTERS MOSCOW, July 21 (Reuters) – Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Friday its Black Sea Fleet had practiced … Read more

Zelenskiy sacks Ukraine’s ambassador to UK after criticism

Zelenskiy sacks Ukraine’s ambassador to UK after criticism

[1/2]Ukraine’s Ambassador to Britain Vadym Prystaiko arrives for a radio interview in Westminster, London, Britain April 8, 2022. REUTERS/Tom Nicholson/File Photo KYIV, July 21 (Reuters) – President Volodymyr Zelenskiy sacked Vadym Prystaiko as Ukraine’s ambassador to Britain on Friday, days after the envoy publicly criticized the president. A presidential order, which said Prystaiko had also … Read more

Russia has not yet allowed access to the roofs of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor, according to the IAEA

Russia has not yet allowed access to the roofs of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor, according to the IAEA

VIENNA, July 20 (Reuters) – Moscow has still not let the UN’s nuclear watchdog inspect the roofs of reactors at Russia’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the watchdog said on Thursday, two weeks after it first requested what it called “essential” access. On July 4, Russia and Ukraine accused each other of plotting to … Read more