Ultimate travel hacks from check-in to flight upgrades to make your holiday easy

Going on holiday can be stressful – there are so many things to plan and consider. Whether you’re worried about getting through security, your bag being to heavy or eating bad food it’s not exactly relaxing.

Luckily, there are lots of ways to streamline your experience. Travel hacks are some of the handiest ways to make sure you don’t miss out and have a good time.

Whether it’s to stop yourself from getting sick by avoiding unhygienic places or upping your ticket to business class for a better sleep the tips and tricks can tackle almost any issue.

READ MORE: Woman’s clever trick makes long-haul flights comfier – and it won’t cost you extra

With dozens of tips being shared by flight attendants, travel experts and hotel workers we’ve put together some of our favourites. Try these hacks to take you from home to your hotel.

Flight attendant smiling on the aisle in an airplane(Image: Getty Images)


When it comes to packing it can be tricky to know what to take or how to fit it all in your bag. One cabin crew member revealed she swears by vacuum seal bags as part of her top tricks for preparing for holidays.

She explained: “I also LOVE vacuum-less vacuum seal bags. Put clothing in it, roll the air out, throw it in my suitcase. Not only does it make items take up less room (so I can add more) but it also keeps everything dry if I get stuck in rain or snow waiting for the van.

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