The adipose tissue dysfunction behind metabolically healthy obesity

The adipose tissue dysfunction behind metabolically healthy obesity

A session at this year’s Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes will explore the latest data on the concept of metabolically healthy obesity (MHO) – more commonly known by the public as ‘fat but fit’. Professor Matthias Blüher, University of Leipzig, Leipzig and Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany will explain how … Read more

Study reveals the health and dietary benefits of consuming cardamom

Study reveals the health and dietary benefits of consuming cardamom

A new study by Texas A&M AgriLife revealed a range of health and dietary benefits of consuming cardamom, including increased appetite, fat loss and inflammation reduction, making the spice a “superfood.” The study’s principal investigator, Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, Ph.D., horticulture and food science professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and … Read more

What are the parallel effects of exercise on cardiometabolic and mental health in children with an excess of adiposity?

What are the parallel effects of exercise on cardiometabolic and mental health in children with an excess of adiposity?

In a recent article published in Jama Network Open, researchers performed a secondary analysis of the ActiveBrains randomized clinical trial (RCT) in Granada, Spain, between November 1, 2014, and June 30, 2016, with two primary goals.  Study: Effects of an Exercise Program on Cardiometabolic and Mental Health in Children With Overweight or Obesity A Secondary Analysis … Read more