AI model can detect atrial septal defect in ECGs with high accuracy

AI model can detect atrial septal defect in ECGs with high accuracy

The AI model was more efficient at detecting signatures of atrial septal defect (ASD) in electrocardiograms (ECG) than traditional methods. Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, and Keio University in Japan have developed a deep learning artificial intelligence model to screen electrocardiogram (ECG) for signs … Read more

Diverse gut microbiome may help children survive stem cell transplant

Diverse gut microbiome may help children survive stem cell transplant

Researchers in Italy have shown for the first time that among children who have undergone a donor stem cell transplant, the presence of diverse species of micro-organisms in the intestinal tract before the transplant resulted in significantly better overall patient survival and fewer complications. The study, published today in the journal Blood, adds to a … Read more

Ovarian cancer patients enrolled in first-in-human trial of CAR T cell therapy

Ovarian cancer patients enrolled in first-in-human trial of CAR T cell therapy

Recently published preclinical data by City of Hope scientists shows the immunotherapy is effective. Advanced ovarian cancer patients are now being enrolled in a Phase 1 first-in-human trial. There are currently few effective treatment options for patients with recurrent ovarian cancer and other solid tumors, but City of Hope researchers are trying to change that. … Read more

Sleep deprivation affects cardiovascular health even when caught up on weekends

Sleep deprivation affects cardiovascular health even when caught up on weekends

Whether it’s work or play that prevents us from getting enough shut-eye during the week, assuming we can make up for it by sleeping in over the weekend is a mistake. New research led by Penn State reveals that cardiovascular health measures, including heart rate and blood pressure, worsen over the course of the week … Read more

Pioneering study links testicular cancer among military personnel to ‘forever chemicals’

Pioneering study links testicular cancer among military personnel to ‘forever chemicals’

Gary Flook served in the Air Force for 37 years, as a firefighter at the now-closed Chanute Air Force Base in Illinois and the former Grissom Air Force Base in Indiana, where he regularly trained with aqueous film forming foam, or AFFF — a frothy white fire retardant that is highly effective but now known … Read more

Sugar-sweetened beverages linked to increased risk of liver cancer and chronic liver disease mortality

Sugar-sweetened beverages linked to increased risk of liver cancer and chronic liver disease mortality

Approximately 65% of adults in the United States consume sugar sweetened beverages daily. Chronic liver disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and can result in liver cancer and liver disease-related mortality. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, led one of the … Read more

$4 million award will help researchers to improve sleep health in Arizona firefighters

$4 million award will help researchers to improve sleep health in Arizona firefighters

A $4 million award from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health, will allow researchers in the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health to identify key factors for the successful implementation of workplace sleep coaching to improve sleep health in Arizona firefighters. … Read more

Novel tool could help neuroscientists crack the secrets of spinal cord

Novel tool could help neuroscientists crack the secrets of spinal cord

The spinal cord is harder to access and study than even the brain. The challenges posed by its mobility and anatomical structure have made understanding exactly how it functions difficult. Rice University engineers will work with collaborators to optimize an array of nanoelectronic threads, or NETs ⎯ already used successfully for gathering high-fidelity, long-term data … Read more

Not enough resources available to meet the needs for pediatric preventive cardiology care

Not enough resources available to meet the needs for pediatric preventive cardiology care

More adolescents and teens are developing health conditions that may increase their risk of premature cardiovascular disease in adulthood, therefore, early screening, diagnosis and multidisciplinary care are vital. A new survey of cardiovascular care centers in the U.S. and Canada found that there are not enough resources to meet the needs for pediatric preventive cardiology … Read more

Thymus gland critical for adult health, study finds

Thymus gland critical for adult health, study finds

The thymus gland-;which produces immune T cells before birth and during childhood-; is often regarded as nonfunctional in adults, and it’s sometimes removed during cardiac surgery for easier access to the heart and major blood vessels. New research led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and published in the New England Journal of Medicine … Read more