Nut consumption linked to improved male fertility, systematic review reveals

Nut consumption linked to improved male fertility, systematic review reveals

In a recent systematic review published in the journal Advances in Nutrition, researchers investigated the associations between nut consumption and fertility outcomes in human adults. Literature from four online scientific databases was collated and subjected to a meta-analysis. Following the full-text screening, four publications comprising 875 participants were included. Study findings revealed that consuming ≥ … Read more

Study links heavy mobile phone use to lower sperm count

Study links heavy mobile phone use to lower sperm count

In a recent cross-sectional study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, researchers from Switzerland investigated the association between self-reported mobile phone use and semen quality in young Swiss men. They found that an increased use of mobile phones is associated with a reduced sperm concentration and total sperm count (TSC) in the semen. Study: Association … Read more

From sperm damage to smaller testicles, early menopause and ovary cysts

From sperm damage to smaller testicles, early menopause and ovary cysts

By Alexa Lardieri U.S. Deputy Health Editor Dailymail.Com 12:02 22 Oct 2023, updated 12:23 22 Oct 2023 Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals can damage reproductive health These substances are found in everyday products like plastics, soaps and food READ MORE: How YOUR home is crawling with ‘forever chemicals’  In recent years concerns about the contaminants in our … Read more

Study finds no link between anxiety or depression and IVF outcomes in men

Study finds no link between anxiety or depression and IVF outcomes in men

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a time-intensive and often stress-inducing fertility procedure. Yet how does that stress impact its success? Investigators at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, assessed the effects of anxiety and depression in men on fertility and IVF outcomes. Their findings reveal no correlation … Read more

Evidence reveals ferroptosis’s critical role in male reproductive health

Evidence reveals ferroptosis’s critical role in male reproductive health

In a recent review published in the Cell Death Discovery Journal, researchers explored the association between ferroptosis and male reproductive failure, emphasizing the need for tailored therapies and preventative efforts. Study: Emerging roles of ferroptosis in male reproductive diseases. Image Credit: Vladimir Sukhachev/ Background Infertility is a rising concern globally, warranting research to identify novel targets that … Read more

Do environmental and occupational factors influence semen quality?

Do environmental and occupational factors influence semen quality?

A recent Scientific Reports study investigates environmental and occupational factors that affect semen quality. Study: Association of living environmental and occupational factors with semen quality in Chinese men: A cross-sectional study. Image Credit: Gorodenkoff / Background A decrease in birth rates and an increase in infertility have been recorded globally. In China, for example, the infertility … Read more

New research offers insight about the reason mitochondria

New research offers insight about the reason mitochondria

New research provides insight about the bedrock scientific principle that mitochondrial DNA -; the distinct genetic code embedded in the organelle that serves as the powerplant of every cell in the body -; is exclusively passed down by the mother. The study, a collaboration among Oregon Health & Science University and other institutions, published today … Read more

Study suggest how menopause symptoms linked to infertility, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Study suggest how menopause symptoms linked to infertility, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Ohio: Not every woman experiences menopause in the same manner. The severity of menopause symptoms is affected by a variety of behavioural, biological, social, psychological, and demographic factors. According to a recent study, infertility may increase the probability of acquiring some menopausal symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, and difficulties sleeping.The study’s findings are now … Read more

The Yoni Pearl craze: Inside online health scams

The Yoni Pearl craze: Inside online health scams

History is littered with wonder drug scams selling miracle solutions to ailments. The latest newcomer to town is the Yoni Pearl; a product advertised as a vaginal detoxifying agent that has taken the Kenyan market by storm. Driven by aggressive influencer marketing and the algorithms of social media platforms, the Yoni Pearl has become the … Read more

Keto diet as a PCOS treatment

Keto diet as a PCOS treatment

Reproductive function is vital to human survival and well-being. Thus, the incidence of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in women, often associated with infertility, has received considerable attention among researchers. A recent study published in the journal Current Nutrition Reports explores the role of the ketogenic diet in the treatment of PCOS. Study: Ketogenic Diet as Medical Prescription … Read more