Navratri vrat 2023: From khichdi to fruit chat. Ten healthy fasting tips to stay fuller during fast

Navratri fast commences on October 15 and concludes with Kanya Pujan on October 23, devotees have the opportunity to make the most of this nine-day fasting period by following healthy dietary choices.

“Studies have shown the impact of fasting on fat loss and weight loss. Restricted food consumption may prevent chronic ailments like high cholesterol, heart disease, and high blood pressure as well as improve mental well-being,” said Nutrition Consultant MyThali program at ArogyaWorld Dr. Meghana Pasi. She added, “Our body is in a resting mode during the fasting hours. This signals our digestive system to start the detox process in the body and cleanse our gut.”

Healthy fasting tips

Here are some fasting tips based on guidance from a nutritionist to promote well-being and energy during Navratri while avoiding those that can raise cholesterol and blood sugar levels:

Choose khichdi or roti over fried items

Instead of preparing fried foods like puris, pakodas, vadas, or halwas, incorporate fasting-friendly grains like kuttu, singara atta, rajgira atta, samai, or sabudana into khichdis or rotis.

Choose fruit chaat over fried potatoes

Steer clear of greasy foods, as they can lead to bloating. Opt for a fruit chaat instead of potato fries.

Include fruits

Fruits are excellent choices because they provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals, fibre, and natural sugars, ensuring energy throughout the day.

Moderate intake of root vegetables

Avoid overindulging in root vegetables like potatoes, yam, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, arbi and jimikand are rich in B vitamins, minerals, and fiber but are also calorie-dense.

Incorporate milk and dairy

Consume milk and dairy products like curd, buttermilk, paneer, and ghee to meet your protein and calcium requirements.

Avoid excessive tea and coffee

Refrain from drinking tea or coffee as these beverages can lead to dehydration. Go for hydrating alternatives such as coconut water, nimbu pani (lemon water), buttermilk, milkshakes, or plain water.

Choose healthy snacks

When hunger strikes during fasting hours, take nutritious snacks such as makhanas (foxnuts), boiled sweet potatoes, fruits, and dry fruits instead of fried chips.

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Limit sugar intake

When preparing kheer (rice pudding) or halwa, reduce the use of refined sugar and instead add flavour with ingredients like cardamom, honey, dates, cinnamon, and fresh fruits.

Prioritise nutrient-dense foods

Take nutrient-dense foods like fruits and dry fruits to maintain adequate energy levels.

Eat lightly post-fasting

After concluding your fast, refrain from overindulging and take light meals.

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