Ingenza and Phibro Ethanol accelerate the green fuel transition

Ingenza and Phibro Ethanol accelerate the green fuel transition

Ingenza and Phibro Ethanol – a division of Phibro Animal Health Corporation – have joined forces to engineer a novel yeast strain that will increase yield in the commercial production of bioethanol under both challenging and conventional environmental conditions, further driving the switch to clean biofuels. This latest innovation – arising from a productive and long-standing partnership between … Read more

Kombucha tea shows promise in lowering blood sugar levels for type 2 diabetics

Kombucha tea shows promise in lowering blood sugar levels for type 2 diabetics

In a recent study published in Frontiers in Nutrition, researchers discuss the results of a  randomized controlled pilot clinical trial conducted at the Georgetown University Hospital investigating whether kombucha tea can reduce blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Study: Kombucha tea as an anti-hyperglycemic agent in humans with diabetes – a randomized controlled pilot investigation. Image … Read more

The Yoni Pearl craze: Inside online health scams

The Yoni Pearl craze: Inside online health scams

History is littered with wonder drug scams selling miracle solutions to ailments. The latest newcomer to town is the Yoni Pearl; a product advertised as a vaginal detoxifying agent that has taken the Kenyan market by storm. Driven by aggressive influencer marketing and the algorithms of social media platforms, the Yoni Pearl has become the … Read more