Machine learning helps identify metabolic biomarkers that could predict cancer risk

Machine learning helps identify metabolic biomarkers that could predict cancer risk

A novel study from the University of South Australia has identified a range of metabolic biomarkers that could help predict the risk of cancer. Image Credit: University of South Australia Deploying machine learning to examine data from 459,169 participants in the UK Biobank, the study identified 84 features that could signal increased cancer risk. Several … Read more

AI-powered eye scans could revolutionize early detection of Parkinson’s

AI-powered eye scans could revolutionize early detection of Parkinson’s

Markers that indicate the presence of Parkinson’s disease in patients on average seven years before clinical presentation have been identified by a UCL and Moorfields Eye Hospital research team. This is the first time anyone has shown these findings several years before diagnosis, and these results were made possible by the largest study to date … Read more