Harvard study finds out the best low-carb diet that helps in weight loss

According to the latest Harvard study, not all low-carb diets help in weight loss. Instead, low-carb diets which comprise of plant-based proteins and healthy fats have better chances of aiding in weight loss than diets which focus mostly on meat and unhealthy fats.

This decade-long study, published in JAMA Network Open analysed diet and weight data of 123,300 participants every four years. There were 5 types of diets which were included in the study and each of them represented around 40% carbohydrates only.

Lead study author Binkai Liu, a research assistant in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University told CNN, “Our study goes beyond the simple question of, ‘To carb or not to carb?

It dissects the low-carbohydrate diet and provides a nuanced look at how the composition of these diets can affect health over years, not just weeks or months.”People who followed diets that were mostly low in carbs, focused on animal products, or were generally unhealthy tended to gain more weight, on average, than those who chose a healthy low-carb diet, the study concluded.

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