A promising match or a questionable pair?

A promising match or a questionable pair?

In a recent review published in the journal Diabetes Therapy, researchers weighed the evidence regarding ketogenic diets and their efficacy for the treatment of type 1 diabetes (T1D), type 2 diabetes (T2D), and gestational diabetes (GD). Their findings indicate that many questions on this subject remain unresolved and that many further investigations are needed before … Read more

Benefits of postpartum dietary intervention on weight management in obese women

Benefits of postpartum dietary intervention on weight management in obese women

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy and its retention postpartum are risk factors for future metabolic and cardiovascular disease in a subset of women. However, there is little scientific support for weight management in obese women. A recent study published in BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth explores the effects of a dietary intervention that led to losing … Read more

Brazilian fruits positively impact gut health and chronic disease prevention

Brazilian fruits positively impact gut health and chronic disease prevention

In a recent review published in Foods, a group of authors assessed the influence of Brazilian native fruits and their by-products on human intestinal microbiota and their potential role in mitigating non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) based on current scientific literature. Study: Evidence for the Beneficial Effects of Brazilian Native Fruits and Their By-Products on Human Intestinal … Read more